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Additional Services from U2WebHouse

We offer a full range of services for your success in the online world.

The U2WebHouse Agency specializes in website refinement and providing comprehensive support. Our experts thoroughly analyze and enhance your projects, ensuring maximum efficiency and profitability. The challenge you face becomes our mission, and the result – worthy of your attention.

What makes U2WebHouse so special? We understand that success online requires not only excellent design but also technical perfection. Therefore, our experts are prepared to develop and write technical specifications considering all your needs and requirements.

Having a web platform ready for operation, the next crucial step is ensuring its visibility to your target audience. This is where the importance of SEO audit of the website and SEO optimization and promotion comes in. Our specialists confidently navigate the world of keywords and content, ensuring top positions for your site in search engines.

But that’s not all! To maximize your potential and control development, we offer the setup of Google Analytics 4 (GA 4). This allows for real-time analytics collection, user behavior analysis, and making changes for even better results.

To achieve immediate results and intensive advertising, we recommend our Google Ads contextual advertising setup service. Our team knows how to create an effective campaign that brings new clients to your site.

Imagine how these services interact and create a cohesive and productive system.

Website Refinement

Making your website a successful and distinctive business card is our goal! We specialize in refining various types of websites – Landing Page, Business website, Corporate site, Online store, and E-commerce website.

Our experts focus on every detail – we will balance the color scheme, structure, and ease of navigation, turning your website into a true work of art.

Through website refinement, we aim to achieve maximum conversion, ensuring successful customer engagement and increasing the profit of your business. Regardless of your industry, size, or purpose of the website – we can perfect it to an ideal state.

We use a modern stack of technologies, and work with a variety of CMS and frameworks:

Website Creation and Development
Our services include, but are not limited to:Price per hourPrice per project
Checking and correcting critical errors (code validity)40$from 300$
Improving performance-from 180$
Installing and updating CMS and modules-from 80$
Enhancing website functionality, implementing new features-from 250$
Setting up and configuring multilingual support-from 180$
Resolving technical SEO issues40$-
Integration with third-party services-from 200$
Developing calculators-from 100$
Creating personal accounts (user profiles)-from 270$
Implementing custom solutions--
Connecting payment gateways (acquiring)-from 100$
Conducting redesign-from 350$
Business process automation--
Mobile Device Website Adaptation-from 200$
*The cost for some services is calculated individually

Ordering a website upgrade is an effective step towards modernizing, improving and optimizing your website. Our team will perform the necessary set of measures to improve and add new functionality. Choose the required service, specify details about your task and project, and leave a request on our website. Our specialist will contact you shortly.

SEO Audit of Website

SEO Optimization and Website Promotion

We will ensure the success of your website with SEO optimization. For any type of site – Business website, Corporate, Online store, E-commerce website. Using keywords and phrases relevant to your business, we will elevate your site to the top pages of search engines, generating more organic traffic and attracting new customers.

With us, you get not only an expanded audience but also increased conversion. We work on optimizing key pages and elements, prompting your clients to take action. Expert audit, keywords, easy navigation. More traffic, more customers, more success.

The service includes:Price per project
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)from 300$
Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM)-
Link Building-
Website Promotionfrom 800$
Online Store Promotionfrom 1500$
*For some services, the cost is calculated individually

Ordering SEO optimization and website promotion is a strategic step to take your project to a new level in search engines. Our team uses advanced techniques to ensure effective optimization and promotion of your site. The result is an increase in site traffic and conversions. Order the promotion of your website now and see the higher performance of your project.

Development and Writing of Technical Specifications

A technical specification is an integral part of the successful development of a new website. It is a document that defines all requirements, functionality, architecture, technologies, and design related to the project. The main goal of the technical specification is to ensure a clear understanding of the task and its implementation within the development team.

Our experienced professionals will gather all the details of the project, determine the required technology stack, and recommend optimal solutions for success. We emphasize creative design, compliance with modern security standards, and a user-friendly interface.

Writing a technical specification helps avoid misunderstandings, wastage of time, and effort. It allows the development team to work in a focused and efficient manner, adhering to the specified requirements and deadlines. Additionally, the specification serves as a benchmark for the client, allowing them to see what the result will be and how the project will impact their business.

Therefore, developing a technical specification is an important prerequisite for a successful web project. Our team is ready to provide an optimized strategy to help you achieve your business goals.

Development and Writing of Technical Specifications for Website Development
The service includes:Price per hourPrice per project
Development of a technical specification for a website-from 300$
Development of a technical specification for an online store-from 800$
*For some services, the cost is calculated individually

Ordering the development and writing of the technical task is an integral stage for the successful implementation of any project. Our team will create clear and specific terms of reference that will define all aspects of your project, guaranteeing its effective implementation.

SEO Audit of Website

SEO Audit of the Website

A website is the online face of a company, and to ensure its effectiveness and visibility in search engines, an SEO audit is necessary. This unique and creative process of research and analysis helps evaluate the technical, content, and link aspects of the website.

The purpose of an SEO audit is to identify potential problems that affect its positions in search engines. The audit helps to identify deficiencies in the site’s structure, meta tags, keywords, and unique content. It also reveals insufficient optimization for mobile devices and page loading speed.

The main goal of an SEO audit is to improve organic traffic and increase rankings in search engines like Google. This opens new opportunities for attracting the target audience and business development. After the audit, the website can be optimized using recommendations and strategies that will help to rise in rankings and increase conversions.

The service includes:Price per hourPrice per project
SEO website audit-from 250$
SEO audit of an online store-from 700$
*For some services, the cost is calculated individually

Ordering a website SEO audit is the first step to optimizing and improving your site’s position in search results. Our specialists will carefully study all aspects of your site, identifying potential areas for improvement, as well as identify weak points and provide specific recommendations for further improvement and promotion. Order an SEO audit and provide your website with an effective strategy to achieve high results.

Google Ads Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising from Google Ads is a key tool for successful online business promotion. It allows you to attract the attention of the target audience by displaying advertisements only when users search for specific products or services.

The goal of contextual advertising is to increase awareness of a product or service, boost the number of visitors to the site, and attract potential customers, thereby increasing the company’s profits. A key advantage of this approach is that you only pay for clicks on the ads, which means paying for real interest in the product or service.

Thanks to precise targeting settings, contextual advertising allows genuinely interested users to see relevant ads, increasing the likelihood of conversion from viewing to purchasing. Additionally, the extensive geographic and demographic targeting of the advertising helps reach the target audience as effectively as possible.

Contextual Advertising from Google Ads
The service includes:Price per hourPrice per projectPrice per month
Advertising campaign audit30$from 130$-
Contextual advertising management--300$
Contextual advertising setup-180$-
*For some services, the cost is calculated individually

Ordering Google Ads contextual advertising is your opportunity to instantly increase targeted traffic and accelerate sales of your products or services. Our team is ready to create effective advertising campaigns, carefully working on every detail, guaranteeing the most effective result for your business. We understand that each project is unique, and that is why we offer an individual approach aimed at achieving the best results.

Google Analytics 4 Analytical Tools

Setting Up Google Analytics 4 & GTM

Configuring Google Analytics is a crucial component of web analytics for businesses and websites. This free toolkit from Google allows you to collect and analyze various data about your website’s visitors, helping to understand their behavior and interests. With this data, you can make better decisions regarding content, marketing campaigns, and improve the overall user experience, providing them with a more personalized and engaging interaction with your site.

One of the key aspects of setting up Google Analytics is tracking goals and conversions. Setting goals, such as form submissions, product purchases, or visits to specific pages, allows you to measure the effectiveness of your website and marketing campaigns. This gives you the ability to see how effectively your web project influences users and which actions lead to the desired results. This information will be extremely valuable to you, helping to make changes and improvements that will enhance your site’s performance and improve interaction with your audience.

The service includes:Price
Google Analytics 4 & GTM setup (basic tools)from 150$
Google Analytics 4 & GTM setup (advanced tools)from 500$
Google Analytics 4 & GTM setup (professional tools)from 1000$
*For some services, the cost is calculated individually

Ordering Google Analytics 4 and GTM setup is a rational solution for studying and analyzing your website. Our experts will make all the necessary settings, guaranteeing you access to advanced functions and analytics – GA 4. Get the necessary data and make strategic decisions for the further development of your business. This tool is especially important for researching marketing activities, allowing you to accurately determine the effectiveness of your strategy and improve it to achieve maximum results.

Web Design Development

Web design development is a key element that ensures not only the aesthetic appeal of your website but also its functionality. Working on each project, we create an original design that perfectly reflects the features of your brand and helps attract new visitors. Thanks to our experience and professionalism, your site will be not only beautiful but also user-friendly.

Moreover, we specialize in creating corporate styles and logos that will become the hallmark of your business online. These design elements are an integral part of brand identity, and we strive to ensure that they are not only attractive but also reflect the core values of your company. Our team pays attention to every detail to make your brand easily recognizable and memorable.

Regardless of the type of your website, whether it’s a landing page or an e-commerce site, we will develop a design that is perfectly suited for your business. Our approach to design ensures that each page is optimized for maximum efficiency and ease of use, and meets modern web development standards. You can count on us to create visual appeal that inspires visitors to take action.

Web design development
The service includes:Price
Landing Page Designfrom 500$
Company website designfrom 800$
Online store designfrom 1000$
Design of one page (not the main page)from 180$
Logo developmentfrom 150$
Brand beechfrom 1000$
*For some services, the cost is calculated individually

Ordering design development is your opportunity to obtain a professional and modern website that reflects the individuality of your business. We offer comprehensive solutions, from creating a logo to developing a brand style, ensuring that every aspect of your web presence is aesthetically attractive and functional. Trust our experience and creativity, and we will create a design that will make your site unforgettable and an effective tool for attracting customers.

Parsing service


What is data scraping? It is the process of automatically collecting information from various sources on the internet. It allows you to extract structured data from websites, databases, social networks, and other platforms. Through scraping, you can obtain information necessary for making strategic decisions, monitoring competitors, or analyzing market trends.

What makes us unique? An individual approach to each client. Each of our scripts is created for a specific task, taking into account all your needs and business specifics. There are no universal solutions, only those that suit you best. Our specialists use the latest technologies to ensure data accuracy and reliability.

Now imagine that you get not just dry numbers, but a deep analysis. With us, you will be able to understand where the market is heading, what competitors are doing, and how to satisfy customers better. Our detailed reports will help you make informed decisions and optimize development strategies.

The service includes:Price
Website scrapingfrom 500$
Product scrapingfrom 400$
Price scrapingfrom 300$
Data scrapingfrom 200$
*For some services, the cost is calculated individually

Ordering data parsing means gaining access to valuable information that will help your business stay one step ahead of the competition. Automatic data collection and analysis from various sources ensures accuracy and relevance of information. This service optimizes your business processes, reducing time and resources spent on manual data collection. An individual approach and the use of the latest technologies guarantee maximum results.

Get a consultation

Our expert is ready to provide you with professional and detailed information regarding your project or any questions you may have.



We are located

Ukraine, Kyiv, 22 Saperno-Slobidska Street

Working hours

9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


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