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Web Development Services Pricin

Web Agency 'U2WebHouse

Comprehensive Website Services

Cost of Web Development: List of Factors and Cost Aspects

In the modern business environment, having your own website is critically important and an integral part of success. The website becomes a platform for attracting customers, disseminating information, and expanding your brand. An important step in this process is understanding the cost of website development.

This issue is particularly relevant in the context of budget planning and financial management of your company. “How much does it cost?” – this question often arises before ordering website development. The development cost depends on many factors and aspects. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main factors that affect the cost, including design, programming, SEO optimization, and website support. This will help you make an informed choice and budget for your web project.

What Affects the Cost of Web Development?

The first and crucial factor affecting the cost of website development is the choice of platform on which the project will be created. You can order website development using a content management system (CMS) or develop a site from scratch using frameworks. In the first case, we use well-known and reliable CMS platforms (except for services from the aggressor country), or we write a custom site, which, of course, is a more costly solution.

The cost is also affected by the site’s design and technical complexity. A large number of pages, the application of non-standard solutions in the web project, various technologies, integration with third-party services – all these elements increase the development cost. This requires additional time and the involvement of specialists.

Naturally, your individual wishes and the need for promotion are also important factors that affect the cost. These aspects are discussed in detail during the drafting of the technical specifications (TS). By ordering professional website development at our agency, you ensure a reliable and effective virtual space capable of meeting your needs and achieving set goals.

Type and Complexity of the Website

The cost of development is primarily determined by the type of website. This could be a simple one-page site, an online store, a corporate portal, or a complex web application. Different types of websites entail various technical and design requirements, which affect the price.

Design and UX

The cost also depends on the level of design and user experience (UX) of the site. If you aim for an exclusive and impressive design with a high attention to detail, this can lead to an increase in the project cost.

Functional Capabilities

Additional features, such as user registration, online consultants, payment systems, integration with social networks, can also increase the cost.

Technical Solutions

The choice of technologies for website development also affects the cost. Using popular frameworks and tools can facilitate development, but employing more specialized solutions may be more expensive.

Skills and Experience of the Team

The qualifications and experience of developers and designers also affect the cost. More experienced professionals may demand higher payment, but they can also provide better quality work.

Target Audience and Market

Considering your target audience and market characteristics also affects the cost of website development. Who the site is intended for, its purpose, and the expected results – these factors determine the scope of work and the need for adaptation of functions and design to achieve the best results.

Content and Filling

The cost of creating and optimizing content should also be taken into account. This can include writing texts, selecting visual elements and graphics.

SEO Optimization

If you plan to SEO optimize your site, this can also affect the cost. Internal and external SEO measures can additionally influence the development cost.

Implementation Timeline

The speed of development can also affect the cost. Completing a project within a short timeframe can lead to the use of more resources and a higher price.

Support and Maintenance

It’s also worth considering the cost of further support and maintenance of the site after its launch.

Ordering website development is an important decision for a business or an individual portfolio. The cost of this service depends on various factors, including the type of site and the extent of its functionality. Professional website development provides an effective interface for users, enhances conversion rates, and improves online visibility. The prices for creating websites can significantly vary based on your budget and project goals. Clearly defining your financial capabilities and business requirements is key to creating a website that meets your needs and helps achieve the desired outcome in the digital environment.

Web Development Services Pricing

Type of websiteTimelinePrice, $
Landing PageFrom 7 daysstarting from 500 $
Business WebsiteFrom 10 daysstarting from 800 $
Online StoreFrom 14 daysstarting from 1000 $
Corporate websiteFrom 14 daysstarting from 1200 $
E-commerce WebsiteFrom 20 daysstarting from 2500 $

* The price for website development is formed taking into account your wishes and specific requirements for the project. The table provided shows the minimum fixed cost threshold for services, which includes a basic set of tools and the necessary number of working hours for the successful creation of your web project.

Turnkey Web Development Services Pricing

Type of websiteTimelinePrice, $
Landing Page turnkeyFrom 14 daysstarting from 1500 $
Business Website turnkeyFrom 14 daysstarting from 2000 $
Online Store turnkeyFrom 20 daysstarting from 2500 $
Corporate website turnkeyFrom 20 daysdiscussed
E-commerce Website turnkeyFrom 30 daysstarting from 5000 $
Exclusive website turnkeyFrom 30 daysdiscussed

Turnkey website development involves the provision of a full range of services, including concept, design, programming, testing, deployment and support. Of course, this requires a deep understanding of your needs, clear planning and high responsibility from specialists. Therefore, we take care of all the technical aspects so that you can focus on growing your business.

We offer turnkey website development to provide you with a full range of services without unnecessary hassles. And we start by carefully creating and writing a specification (TOR) based on your brief, ensuring that all your needs and expectations are taken into account at every stage of development.

Next, our team of professionals works on creating a unique design that fully matches your brand book. We not only implement your ideas, but also add our creative solutions to create a unique visual concept. During the development process, we will create a logo that will perfectly fit into the overall style of your site.

The key stage will be adding content to the site. You can be sure that all texts, images and other materials will be displayed on the site with appropriate attention to detail and an aesthetic approach. In order for your site to be as functional as possible, we will integrate it with various services and systems, which will facilitate the ease of management and interaction with your business.

After the development is complete, we will deploy the site on the hosting of your choice, ensuring its reliability, security and loading speed.

So, the cost of turnkey website development is justified by many factors. First of all, it is an individual approach to each client, which includes the entire range of work – from studying the business and the audience to creating a unique design and solving technical problems. Secondly, turnkey development requires much more effort from specialists, which may include additional hours of work, consultations and solving unexpected problems.

And therefore, turnkey website development is worth every dollar invested, as it guarantees you not only a functional and user-friendly site, but also the feeling of working with highly qualified professionals who are ready to turn your ideas into reality. This is an investment in quality, reliability and future development of your business.

Web development services

Check out our core website development services:


Professional e-commerce website development to increase your sales and expand your market.

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The ideal way to present your business online with an efficient and stylish Business Website.

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Creating targeted landing pages that ensure high conversion rates and customer engagement.

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Creation of convenient and functional online stores for effective presentation of your products.

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* Also, if you are interested in the prices for additional services, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with them at this link.

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9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


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