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E-commerce Website Development

Reliability and Innovation | U2WebHouse

starting from $2500

from 20 days

E-commerce Website Development

Developing an E-commerce Website at U2WebHouse: Your Reliable Tool for Effective Online Sales

Developing an E-commerce Website with U2WebHouse is your key to success in the world of electronic commerce. Our E-commerce Websites serve as powerful tools for selling products and services online, allowing your customers to make purchases 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world.

We create convenient and functional trading platforms that are characterized by a well-thought-out structure and an intuitively understandable interface. This ensures easy and enjoyable use, allowing customers to easily find and purchase the necessary goods.

Each E-commerce Website developed by us is not only attractive but also optimized for search engines. This ensures high positions in search results and the attraction of organic traffic. You receive custom-made content that meets the needs of your target audience, enhancing brand recognition and SEO performance.

Choosing U2WebHouse for the development of your E-commerce Website means choosing quality and professionalism. Our approach to each project is based on a deep understanding of your business goals, which allows us to maximize the effectiveness of your online trade.

Components of an Effective E-commerce Website

Responsive Website Design


Website Features


High Website Performance


Innovations and Technologies


Key Functions of an E-commerce Website

  1. Product Display: It serves as a showcase providing detailed information about products, including images, descriptions, specifications, and prices.
  2. Inventory Management: These platforms have inventory management systems that help track stock availability and ensure accurate information for buyers.
  3. Order Processing: Automated order processing systems enable customers to make purchases easily and help sellers efficiently process orders, from product selection to shipment.
  4. Payment System Integration: Various payment solutions are integrated into these websites, allowing customers to use bank cards, e-wallets and other forms of payment to make purchases.
  5. Marketing and Promotion: This includes tools for SEO optimization, pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, and social media promotion, helping attract new visitors and increase sales.
  6. Customer Support: Online chat, contact forms, and customer support management systems ensure effective interaction with customers and quick resolution of their inquiries or issues.
  7. Analytics and Reporting: Web applications provide access to detailed analytics that help you understand customer behavior, track sales, analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, and make informed decisions.


The development of an e-commerce website should consider these and many other aspects to create not only visually appealing but also functional and user-friendly platforms for effective and profitable online retail.

Cost of Developing an E-commerce Website

When choosing a company to develop an E-commerce Website, the cost of the project plays a key role. Our offering provides competitive prices that match the high quality and uniqueness of each site we create. We offer various packages that ensure flexibility in choice, meeting both the complexity of the project and the budget range of each client.

Ordering the development of an E-commerce Website from us means getting a guarantee of quality that meets the individual needs of your business. Each of our development packages is designed to give you maximum benefit and match your requirements.

Order the creation of your website from our company to take advantage of our experience, competitive prices, and personalized approach.


$ 2500 from 20 days
  • Integration with delivery services
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Product search and filtering
  • 1000 products and services
  • Customer account panel
  • UX/UI design


$ 4000 from 30 days
  • Integration with third-party services
  • Chatbots for customer support
  • 5000 products and services
  • Interactive planning tools
  • Advanced user analytics
  • Multi-currency support


$ 6000 from 60 days
  • Inventory management system
  • Integration with CRM and ERP
  • 50,000 products and services
  • Automation features
  • Multilingual support
  • Partner programs

* The price is indicated without taking into account the cost of the technical assignment.

** Each subsequent service package also includes the tools and functionality of the previous package, but with expanded options.

*** You can find out about the cost of website development depending on their type on this page: Prices for website development.

Our advanced service packages are not standard templates or ready-made websites. We provide you with the opportunity to choose and utilize enriched sets of features and options that can be individually implemented in your project. It’s like a toolkit that allows you to build your unique website while meeting your needs and preferences.

However, we are always open to your vision and desires for how your website should be. Therefore, prices are determined based on your specific requirements. The choice of the platform on which the website will be developed is also an important factor.

In many cases, when creating an E-commerce Website, we use CMS (Content Management Systems) such as OpenCart, Magento, PrestaShop, Shopify, and others. However, for projects that require solutions to complex and specialized tasks, we utilize programming languages and frameworks. You can learn more about website development on this page: Website development.

The cost of developing an E-commerce Website includes:

During development, we choose a technical stack that best suits your project. This ensures efficiency and optimal alignment with all the requirements of your task.

Website Creation and Development

The E-commerce Website Development Process

In a world where digital transformation is becoming increasingly important, an E-commerce Website is no longer just a business tool. It becomes a powerful profit channel, a key element of growth strategy, and a means of direct communication with customers. Unlike traditional retail outlets, online stores offer unique advantages that can change the game in the market. Let’s take a closer look at how creating an E-commerce Website can become your most profitable investment decision.

Development Basics

The foundation of a successful E-commerce Website is laid through comprehensive planning, which includes in-depth market analysis and identification of the main needs of the target audience. An important step is choosing the right e-commerce platform, such as Magento or Shopify, which provides the necessary flexibility and scalability for the future. An effective product catalog structure, clear navigation, and the development of a thoughtful search system are critically important for user convenience and sales increase. Website optimization for search engines, including the development of unique product descriptions, title optimization, and meta-data, is necessary to attract more traffic. Also, adapting the site for mobile devices and ensuring high page loading speed contributes to conversion rate increase and user satisfaction.

Unique Advantages of an E-commerce Website

  • Global Reach: Unlike a physical store, an online store can attract customers from all over the world 24/7, without geographical limitations.
  • Cost Optimization: Launching and maintaining an online store requires significantly lower expenses compared to maintaining a physical store, including rent, utility bills, and staff salaries.
  • Personalization of Offers: Thanks to the collection and analysis of user behavior data, E-commerce Websites can provide personalized offers, increasing the chances of sales and customer loyalty.
  • Speed to Market: Developing and launching a new product in an online store can happen in much shorter times than would be possible through traditional retail channels.

E-commerce Website Creation Process

  1. Strategic Foundation: Setting business goals, analyzing target users, defining functional needs, and site structure. Creating an E-commerce Website requires deep analysis and strategic planning. From choosing the right platform to integrating with payment systems and logistics partners, each step must be carefully thought out.
  2. Design and User Experience: Creating a design that reflects the brand and simplifies navigation and product selection, with an emphasis on UX/UI.
  3. Technical Choice: Deciding between using CMS solutions (e.g., WooCommerce, OpenCart, Magento, Shopify, PrestaShop) or developing based on frameworks (Angular, Django, React, Vue.js for the client side; Express.js, Flask for the server side).
  4. Bringing the Project to Life: Implementation of the catalog, ordering system, cart, integration of payment gateways, and other necessary elements.
  5. Testing and Launching the Project: Identifying and eliminating errors, testing UX, responsiveness, security before publishing the site.
  6. SEO and Marketing: Search engine optimization, developing a promotion strategy to attract traffic.
  7. Maintenance and Development: Updating content, products, promotions, monitoring performance, introducing innovations to maintain site relevance.

Choosing Technologies and Platforms

The choice between CMS and frameworks depends on the budget, project timelines, product or service specifics, and the required level of customization. CMS offers a quick start and ease of management, whereas frameworks provide greater flexibility for developing unique solutions.

Development Cost

The cost of creating an E-commerce Website can vary significantly depending on the chosen platform, design complexity, and the number of integrations. It’s important to understand that the initial investment in a quality online store can quickly pay off due to increased sales and reduced operational expenses.

Application of E-commerce Website

E-commerce Websites are effective in a wide range of industries – from fashion and beauty to electronics and home needs. They offer a unique opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses to compete with large players on equal terms, opening up the world market to them.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Independence from physical location.
  • The ability to scale quickly.
  • Collection of customer data for analysis and optimization of marketing strategies.
  • Reduction of operational expenses.



  • The need for regular updates and technical support.
  • High competition in the e-commerce segment.
  • Requirements for ensuring transaction security and user data protection.

Creating an E-commerce Website opens up limitless opportunities for business growth and development. Choosing the right strategy, technologies, and platform is key to success in e-commerce. By investing in a quality online store, you’re investing not just in a tool, but in a powerful profit channel that can significantly differ from other types of websites in its ability to scale quickly and reach globally.

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* If you are interested in prices for related services, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with them and their costs here: Additional services.

Ordering an E-commerce Website: Overview of the Development Process and Sequence of Actions

If you have decided to order an E-commerce Website from us, it opens up a straightforward and convenient path to a successful project. We aim to provide an individualized approach to each client to address all your needs and preferences. Here are the key stages of the development process:


Request for Development

Contact our manager by phone or use the online order form on our website. Share your goals, ideas, and expectations.


Technical Specification

Our team will carefully study your requirements and preferences, after which we will create a technical task that takes into account all the nuances of developing your website.


Design and Structure

Our professional designers will create a unique design, taking into account your brand colors, logo, and all necessary elements. You will have the opportunity to approve the design before the project implementation begins.


Development and Testing

Our developers will start creating your website using cutting-edge technologies. Upon completion of the development, we will conduct mandatory testing to ensure that all functions are working correctly.


SEO Optimization

We offer optimization services for your website to improve its visibility on search engines and attract more visitors to your website.


Completion and Handover

After successful development and testing, we deliver a ready-to-publish and promote website to you.

Why Choose Us for E-commerce Website Development?

Ordering E-commerce Website Development from U2WebHouse is the right choice for your business. Here are some advantages of working with us:

E-commerce Website Development is the process of creating a comprehensive online solution that includes not only an attractive and user-friendly interface but also an efficient system for managing products and orders.

  • Professional development: We have extensive experience in creating online stores for various industries and business areas. Our specialists adhere to modern trends and best practices in the field of website development.
  • SEO Optimization: We guarantee excellent search engine optimization of your website to help you attract more organic visitors.
  • Individual approach: We carefully study your needs and desires and develop a website that fully meets your goals.
  • Affordable prices: We offer competitive prices for our services, which allows you to order an online store at an affordable price.

By ordering the development of an Internet store from U2WebHouse, you are investing in your business and a successful marketing campaign. Our team is ready to take care of all the technical and creative aspects of development, giving you the opportunity to focus on the important aspects of your business.

Get a consultation

Our expert is ready to provide you with professional and detailed information regarding your project or any questions you may have.



We are located

Ukraine, Kyiv, 22 Saperno-Slobidska Street

Working hours

9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


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